Have you seen SEA’s DIY Upcycled Bird Feeder?!?! We love finding ways to upcycle and repurpose things. You know what they say…one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
up·cy·cle — reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
re·pur·pose — adapt for use in a different purpose.
The Challenge
Take a good look at your trash and recycling. Do you have anything that could be upcycled or repurposed? Maybe you could decorate a salsa jar and use it to collect spare change. Or you could use an egg carton to start some seeds.
Come up with your own unique idea, make it, and share it with SEA! Email a photo of your upcycled or repurposed creation to info.atsea@gmail.com by April 30. We will post photos of all of our entries on Facebook and ask our followers to vote on their favorite. The creation with the most votes will win a SEA goodie bag!
Looking for more ideas? Search “upcycled craft projects” online to be inspired!
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